Robbert Murray

Recruitment Insights & Recent Hiring Trends

Many have written extensively about the dramatic changes that took place in our work lives over the past two years. This was largely due to safety concerns and necessity. The pandemic will still be a part of our daily lives in 2022. It’s safe to say, however, that we have learned to adapt to changing behaviour patterns and expectations while doing our jobs. We can hopefully strike a better balance between our home life and work life if we are one of the millions of “knowledge workers”.

To be ready for the future job market, businesses need to ensure that their employees are well-versed with the latest trends in workforce development This will allow them to stand out in today’s unpredictable and challenging times.

What can we expect from the learning and development trends for 2023, given this background? Let’s take a look at the five trends you should be on the lookout for.

1. Design Training for Hybrid Workers

A Remote workforce emerged as a result of the COVID pandemic. Today, more employees work from home than ever before.

Training design for remote workers and hybrid workers is the first trend in workforce development and learning that businesses should consider.

We will see more people learning skills and obtaining remote positions in 2023. This is happening internally and externally.

According to a study, 30% of employees considered themselves to be a hybrid workforce. However, 35% of workers work remotely. This number is expected to increase in the future.

This can pose a problem in terms of delivering knowledge. It is due to many issues, such as platform compatibility, employee distraction, and internet connectivity. This trend has inspired developers to create digital tools like Zoom and Google Meetings to streamline the process.

2. The recruitment industry must adapt to the rise of automation

The recruitment landscape is constantly changing. If the Best Recruitment agencies in Saudi Arabia and Dubai are adapting to automation, If HR professionals want to remain competitive in this world, they must upgrade their skills and embrace automation. The role of automation is crucial in the pre-screening and onboarding of candidates. You can’t spend all your time doing manual labor. HR must also pay attention to other areas of recruitment.

Employers want employees to feel valued. Therefore, a long application form will not suffice. When uploading resumes to a company website, candidates want a quick and easy way to apply. Who doesn’t want that?

Which of these scenarios do you suggest will be most helpful to the candidate? Certainly, automation!

3. Microlearning

Microlearning is a method of learning and developing in bite-sized lessons that last between 5 to 15 minutes.

Employees prefer engaging and fun training. Gamification is a great way to increase employee engagement.

Gamification can make microlearning more engaging. Learners will have the opportunity to learn through engaging activities, such as playing mobile games. This helps them retain more information during training.

Analytics and AI can be used by businesses to offer customized learning and support. AI can be used to help learners select articles from a curated library. This will ensure that they return for more after they have completed a course.

4. In-App Experiences

Perhaps you have noticed that digital transformation is a core theme in learning and development trends.

When adapting to the digital age, in-app experiences are essential. This allows learning and development teams the ability to create training content, and provide support through digital tools. This allows employees to learn and work with their digital tools.

Employees are also empowered with the right support when they need it through in-app experiences. These apps simplify the learning process and increase productivity.

5. A fair and impartial recruitment process is the goal.

If an enterprise wants to grow in the long run, diversity and inclusion are essential requirements.

Prejudices based on race, gender, and age have been a long-standing element of work. Unconscious bias is a common occurrence when it comes to recruiting for open jobs.

Certain organizations have adopted a bold stance against unconscious bias but others haven’t taken any action about it.

With the modern tools in the recruiting industry, it is easy to eliminate uninformed hiring strategies. Employers must incorporate these new techniques into their existing ATS to accept a whole new world of hiring options that are diverse.

It is simple to eliminate misinformed hiring strategies with modern recruiting tools. Employers must incorporate these new tactics into their existing ATS in order to accept a whole new world of various diverse hiring alternatives.


These are the top 5 learning and development trends organizations should be aware of in order to make their organization stand out and differentiate and propel them to greater heights.

The learning and development trends for 2022, whether it’s adapting to remote work or focusing on work efficiency, can help teams achieve and attain the strategic position employees’ desire.

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