Dubai: Metaverse is now expected to be the internet’s next big achievement and undoubtedly, the Metaverse is the new future of the internet, and it comes with the potential of creating new job opportunities. UAE’s job market will be no exception and will undergo some fundamental changes and Job seekers will need to keep upskilling in order to meet the needs of global and local employers. Based on a recent list published by Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, the UAE will be focusing mainly on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Ministry used its social media channels on January 6 to highlight the UAE jobs that were in demand. It posted: “The UAE labour markets are undergoing constant changes due to rapid technological developments. What are UAE’s jobs in the next 10 years? Most job roles focus on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The most popular fields include mathematics, physics, and statistics. Many companies are moving towards digitalization and brick-and-mortar businesses are more accessible online. Companies have more access to data tools and artificial Intelligence & are creating products and platforms that use machine learning and metadata analytics.
So, let’s now check out the top in-demand job roles in Dubai for 2022.
Within the list of jobs, the primary position highlighted by MOHRE was that of scientists. Their areas of expertise could vary greatly, from energy research to healthcare and even participating in space programs.
Data analysts are highly sought-after. According to the World Economic Forum listed it as second in the fastest growing positions in the UAE. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics also lists related occupations as having exceptionally high growth rates. Between 2020 and 2030 Operations research analyst jobs are projected to increase by 25 percent and marketing research analyst positions by 22 and statisticians and mathematicians with a 33-percent increase. This is a significant increase over the overall rate of growth which is 7.7 percent.
If you’re looking to build an enduring, secure future, it’s impossible to choose an engineer with machine learning career. Indeed it was recently highlighted to be one of the most desired AI job due to the pandemic that has brought more attention to the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Jobs in machine learning and AI have increased by nearly 75 percent in the last three decades and are expected to grow further. The pursuit of a job in machine learning is an excellent option for a career with a good pay that will be sought-after for many years to come. Industries already making use of AI as well as machine-learning in a large way include education, healthcare marketing, retail and financial services, and e-commerce If you’re looking for a lucrative salary and benefits for work that can change the world, a job in machine learning is the right choice for you.
High-performance technology has become increasingly significant in recent years. In addition to the widespread use of computer systems (including internet of things Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence (AI) jobs are growing. The job market for machine learning is extremely strong and doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
A glance at the tech landscape will reveal the potential of AI in daily life. From voice assistants to drive smart speakers to advanced espresso makers these technologies are rapidly becoming essential to our daily lives. This trend has led to an AI and machine learning-related employment trends.
Specialists in Ecommerce and Strategy: This role requires an understanding of online selling strategies. However, the background in computer science would be helpful as well. The person who is in charge will be an expert on online marketing strategies and will use a variety of platforms in digital changes. The report suggested that a bachelor’s degree in online sales and marketing is a good alternative, however they require an education in computer science because they will be working with branding, technical as well as design and branding teams.
Perhaps one among the top sought-after jobs in big data right now experts in big data are hard to come across and, consequently, are highly in demand. An analyst in big data needs to be able to demonstrate a strong and working knowledge of important technologies such as Apache Hadoop, Pig, and Hive to name some.
If you’re considering this type of big-data job, you’ll require strong analytical skills and an understanding of math and statistics in order to collect relevant data from databases. This job would also require data collection, sorting, and analysis at larger scales, whether it’s the customer base of multinational brands or the demographics of a country.
While you will need to work with database design and data models, data mining and segmentation techniques are essential skills. You will also need to be able to understand the programming side of things (XML, SQL and Javascript).
Machine learning and data analytics are a growing trend that many companies are investing in. This trend is expected to continue in the future. The ability to learn from data allows machines to improve productivity and automate repetitive tasks. It also optimizes data insights. He said that data is the driving force behind business decision-making in today’s world. A growing demand for data scientists and analysts is needed to help navigate a disruptive market, which is driven by big data. This is why Data Analysts, Data Engineers, and Machine Learning Specialists are in high demand. They rank highly among the most in-demand jobs today.
There is a case to be made that there is still a need of travel professionals, why not get out of them? But in the future, with chatbot technology getting more sophisticated and the effects of COVID-19 on travel expected to last for years I believe that travel companies are likely to decide to eliminate the human element sooner than later.
Before Uber announced its sale of its autonomous car division in the latter half of 2020 there was a joke going around about how Uber employees were scrambling to get themselves out of the workforce in the event that Uber put millions of dollars of profits from fare revenue into driverless vehicle projects.
If you own any taxi company It would be a sin to pay someone to drive a vehicle for you, when you own the vehicle that can drive by itself!
There may be a shortage of demand for taxis driven by humans, but they will be unable to compete since automation will push prices lower.
Some months ago I walked into a newsagent near the train station. I handed over the magazine and drinks towards the cashier. The cashier then walked me to the self-service counter to process my purchase! In the end, I am in no doubt of the fact that she was required to achieve the KPI for the percentage of customers using the self-service register.
Cashier in store roles will not be in place in the next couple of years.
Fast food restaurants aren’t reluctant to tell us that they’re trying to put less and less on their human workforce. Many of them have changed to self-service kiosks when placing your order. The next step is to shift into the kitchen. Certain companies, especially those in the United States, are already cutting down their staff by using robots to flip burgers or sandwich sandwiches. When the time comes the local McDonald’s might end up with only a handful of employees who hand orders to the robots. However, I wouldn’t bet against that the process becoming automated too!
The roles of paralegals and legal assistants are in danger and legal administrative roles and paralegal positions being increasingly filled by computers and other digital tools. Digitalisation and automation will continue to be more sophisticated over the next century, meaning that the requirement for human beings to perform these roles will decrease. While there is some focus on AI in certain industries however, it is not necessary for tasks such as making documents or the analysis of contracts. Legal firms seeking to incorporate technology could actually advance by going “back to basics” instead of relying on the program that sounds most impressive to a potential client.
Four major Global trends will drastically influence the global outlook and operating environment.
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