Robbert Murray

c-level executives

The C-Suite is the spine that holds a company together. Sure, every company has its own hierarchy according to their demands. Because, again, this can get really messy. Out of all senior management job titles you may have heard the term ‘C-level executives’ and wondered who it was referring to exactly?

C- level executives are the ones who drive the company’s strategy. C stands for “Chief” — so a C-level executive (also known as a C-suite executive) is responsible for overseeing an entire department or business unit, e.g., Marketing, Finance, and IT.

What is C-suite?

The c-suite or “c board” — term comprises of all higher level executives who overlook day to day operations completed by employees in their department provided by the manager, run the organization’s business line, drive major strategic decisions, and oversee numerous tasks according to the organization.

C-level executives can help day to day, support major decision-making, provide a level of experience to the product itself and even own responsibilities across multiple functions.

What skills makes C-level executives a pillar of the business?

Every one of these executives needs to be an expert themselves. For instance, a CMO must have substantial knowledge on marketing, while a CFO demands profound insight into financial/accounting aspects.

However, from the C-level executive definition we gave above, it’s clear that all employees who hold these roles have something in common. All of them must have a strategic state of mind to make the calls on running businesses. Here are some common skills employees should practice as they rise in senior positions:

  • Leadership
  • Change management
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision-making
  • Conflict management

What other employee levels exist?

In almost all companies, Board of Directors (BOD) and Founders are at the pinnacle of the hierarchical structure in any corporation with C-suite as the next level including, amongst others, CEO, COO, CFO and the rest in between but what That varies from organisation to organisation.

VPs and SVPs typically report to C-level. For instance, the VP of Product Marketing and VP of Digital Marketing would report to the CMO. D’s report into VP’s. Here, D is the director level- an engineering director, for instance, belongs here. Some firms also refer to middle manager as a B-level executive.

How does a recruitment agency hire the right C-level executives?


Robbert Murray is an executive search firm dedicated to the placement of senior executives at the C-level (CEO, COO, CFO, CMO, etc) and other key management positions.

They facilitate the process of finding and acquiring top talent by sourcing it from all possible talent pools, conducting rigorous background checks, and negotiating compensation and benefit packages on behalf of their clients or organization.

They collaborate with clients in determining their hiring demands; explore the market to find suitable candidates; and bring forth the best executives for their client’s C-level roles to facilitate an effective process of hiring C-level executives. Contact us at to secure the best executives for your business.

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