Robbert Murray

Professional Executive Headhunters

Headhunting C–Suite

Whether you are looking for that visionary CEO, a CFO with a laser-sharp eye for detail or need to fill out your management team with top international talent, we can help. At Robbert Murray, one of the top headhunting firms, we have built our name on sourcing the finest candidates for leadership positions to help you instil the right culture within your business.

It takes an expert to know

Our executive search team has been successfully placing top-tier employees within great organizations for more than 10 years. Our experience and bulging contact book make us ideal partners when you are looking for inspirational leadership, while our deep industry knowledge means we can accurately assess the kind of candidates you are looking for.


Benefits & Expertise

At Robbert Murray we are experts in the entire recruitment process, from headhunting the perfect candidates to conducting employment background checks. Discover how we can help with all your recruitment needs.


Driven by Results

Since RM & Associates cover both the active and passive talent market, their team can help raise the overall quality level of every new hire.



Quicker Turnaround time

We have deep networks and understanding of people assessment.We provide pre-screened and pre-checked talent for your company.


Talent Search

With our highly stringent executive search and recruitment process, we guarantee our customers the best professional selections, the most qualified personnel to meet the needs of your company.

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Fill Jobs Not Interview Slots

Our database of applicants is refreshed daily with new names and resumes, which allows us to deliver precise executive  recruitment services with efficiency.

Recruited for

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organizations globally


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Operating in



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